prepare your bag for a badminton tournament
The badminton rules stipulate that one must have a regulatory outfit (advertising, pitches, size and colors) to be able to play a competition match. What's more unpleasant than that seen by the referee at the end of warm-up meaning you have to change T-shirt because it is not in conformity. Also remember to check the condition of your laces on your sneakers (it's a mishap that happened to me personally and I can tell you that it is very unpleasant to have to do it in an emergency).
By making your bag early (the day before, for example) you will avoid stress and will thus be able to more easily focus on your match, your tactics and your feelings released from these considerations materially material.
To prepare your bag before competing you need a little more than what you usually take.
To think of all, I propose a small commented checklist of what contains my own bag. Personally I like to take with me a small racket holder bag (for me it's an old model of Babolat racket holder x3) this little racket holder allows me to go out on the field and be sure to have everything I need directly taking my little bag.
In this little racket holder I put:
Main pocket : my rackets (in competition I take at least 3 rackets and ideally 2 rackets strictly identical stringed at the same tension) so it allows me in case of breakage or any problem of being able to change racket without feeling the slightest gene; I remind you that the rules of the competitions require the players to present themselves on the field with 2 rackets minimum. In this pocket I also have a new steering wheel tube and a small towel (to wipe hands and / or face between sets).
Small side pocket: In the small side pocket of my bag I have some overgrips advance (at least 3), a bomb of cold, a pen, my little notebook (I would return to this notebook in a more complete ticket and specific for you to detail the contents), a cereal bar and a wrist sponge.
In my bag, the gourd has a specific compartment and isothermal located under the sleeves of rackets which is accessed by turning the bag.
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As you can see, the simple preparation of this little bag already envisages all the scenarios. I have refined the contents of the bag as and when my experiences and it seems to me that today I rarely miss things on the ground. By always having with you this small bag which contains all that could be necessary to you you thus avoid you any stress which could parasite you and disturb your concentration.
Generally I put this little racket holder in a larger bag (like a triple pro-bag) but a dumbbells sports bag as well doing the trick. In this other bag I place:
My showers (+ clean underwear that will be reserved at the end of the competition to be able to go home clean ...)
At least 5 T-shirts / polo shirts (and at least 1 cotton T-shirt)
2 shorts
1 tracksuit (usually that of my club)
2 pairs of socks (indeed, being able to change socks is a luxury that can help you get back on track between two very physically demanding games
My pair of hall shoes and another pair of comfortable basketball (for the inter-matches)
1 sweatshirt for the case it would be really cold in the gym
1 large bottle of water
Voila for the essentials, as for the rest I like to have in my bag when I go in tournament my mp3 player and a good book history to pass the time if 2 games are really widely spaced in time.
You will notice that at no time I speak of food other than water, indeed, the food during a tournament is something complex and quite personal, I will try to share it in another ticket. Always put your wallet in your bag with a few euros ... a chocolate bar can be a great comfort in case of defeat ... 😉